Now, traditionally fiction is all under the same Dewey code, and so it just organised by author. But how does this encourage and inspire perhaps less motivated readers to pick up a book?
However, what if books were organised by genre? You like horror...well come over to our horror section and find something else you may like.
This library
Hinde House Library organises fiction by genre. The librarian told me that a year after doing that lending went up by 30%.
I really like this idea.

The rotating shelves I have would be perfect for highlighting different genres, which could change regularly.
There is the issue of books that cross genre...where do you place them? I think I will email the librarian from the library above, and ask how he addressed that issue.
Edited to add - I got a response from the Librarian in question (librarians are so helpful!).
He said that he has the following genres -
Horror, Sci-Fi, Humour, Mystery, Fantasy, Adventure, Best seller, Sports, Historical, Young Adult, Animals, Romance and War. He also has FSr (Fiction Short reads) for quick reads.
I really liked this final bit of advice he gave me, 'Never be afraid to go against the grain, even with Dewey. Put it where you think the kids will find it. Don't get too bogged down with beng correct.'
I guess that is the main point isn't it - where would the kids expect to find it?
Ooohhh.......another opportunity to colour code......
Edited to add point 2 -
LFC genre stickers These pre-printed genre stickers have these genres -
sports, classics, crime, poetry, sci-fi, fantasy, animals, romance, short stories, reference, horror, historical, young adult, war, mystery, multi-cultural, adventure, best seller, fairy tales, suspense, biography, historical fiction, language.