We took a very long and sore afternoon spray painting more words on. My back is giving me issues at the moment, and this certainly made me suffer!
We then had to get wooden poles on the top and bottom of the banner, we tried using plastic tag ties to begin with (I stabbed my finger with scissors in the process) but in the end used a staple gun - much quicker and easier.
Next came the issue of actually getting fishing wire up on the girders. Our method was a blob of blu-tac and a strong throwing arm - not mine I have to add, my attempt was laughable. We did manage to get two threads up there, which then had washing line attached to it, to make some sort of pulley system.
We then had the grand pulling up of the banner. Hours and hours of thought and process all went to this moment.
Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the best moment. As we pulled it up to the top, it was apparent that the banner didn't even leave the floor. We had completely over estimated the length needed (despite much discussion and estimation). I laughed so hard I had tears down my face.
In the end we cut it half, which produced two banners of the correct length.
Tragically, we hated it. The creases and wrinkles look like an old bedsheet, and only having three words isn't effective. We had a moment of depression, but then focused on solutions. I will update next week with the solution we came up with.