Sunday, 20 September 2009

My library blog in wordle

Wordle: Library Blog
This is my blog in wordle . It will be interesting to see how this changes over time, as my focus changes.

Monday, 7 September 2009

The kids are back!

So, the students were in today, we're about 70% open, as we not really promoting being open at lunch, after school clubs not running etc, but we are now open. All of the kids who came in said something positive, and I had two separate occasions of students exclaming, 'Oh my God' in a good way as they walked in.

My favourite moment was watching 3 Year 13s (so they are aged 17 or 18) huddle together on a sofa reading Where's Wally books, for about an hour. They were giggling and engaged by the book for the whole hour. As they left with a cheery, 'Bye Miss', I told them how lovely it was that you were never too old for a picture book.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Science Fiction mini library display

A while ago I randomly won some Star Trek stuff - a duvet set, t-shirt and a mouse and mouse-mat. Now, I'm no sci-fi fan, so wanted to use it as prizes.

I set up a mini display, again nothing fancy, on a small trolley I have. It is advertising a competition where if a student takes a sci-fi book out (my books are arranged in genres, see here and here) they get entered into a raffle.

Black History Month Library Display (early!)

I am going to have a hectic term, settling in and creating routines, so I am wanting my initial displays to last a while, before I have time to gather my thoughts. So I have done my Black History Month display (which is October in the UK).

Nothing amazing, just an empty bookshelf I had, and a display printed from Instant Display .

Improving an old table

This old table used by students, so I didn't want to get rid of it, but the old wooden top had graffiti on. I have covered it quickly with two sheets of wrapping paper. I have put loads of varnish on top.

Unfortunately I glued the paper down with PVA glue, which means the paper has wrinkled a lot. It obviously won't last that long (despite 5 coats of varnish) so I need to either just accept I will need to redo something next half term, or get some clear perspex to screw over the top.

The library banner

After the many mishaps here I left the library for a week for my holiday. It was left it the hands of the art teacher (who is doing this as part of his role as Art in the Community Coordinator). Here is the final result.

It isnt perfect, and we would do it completely differently next time, but it isn't as creased, and the extra words really help with the composition.

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