Monday, 30 March 2009


Now, I apologise for the many pictures in this post, but these are what I would love for my library walls. I think they would make such a statement, as well as making the whole library look smart and inspiring.

The pictures are from America, and were posted to a Facebook group here Link

Pimp my actual bookcart

This book cart is desperate to be pimped out! Although I can't claim it to be a priority, it wouldn't take long just to decorate the ends - especially with some students helping out.

Any ideas?

Current shelving (what an exciting post title!)

Here is some of the current shelving that the library has -

DVDs - I am figuring that the discs should be stored behind the desk. I will need to figure out what we do about age ratings.

I am not sure how I should sort the book son these spinners. Should they just be used as part of the regular shelving and regular alphabetical sorting, or should they be changed as they are more eye catching? Perhaps themed?

We have one of these. for more picture book style books. It looks pretty busy and could perhaps benefit from less books on it, perhaps on a rotation?

We have two of these magazine stands, which I like, as the edges don't curl and should last longer. The magazines didn't seem to be labeled so will have to consider how best to do this.

The book shelves currently have no dividers, and are pretty chaotic, so dividers will need to be bought. I would also like to colour code the books I think, rather than just the handwritten Dewey numbers on the spine.

There are two of these media hangers, with one lonely bag hanging from it. I am not sure what they were used for, or what they should be used for. Cds? Magazines?This white stand seems good for magazines and newspapers, for the comfy area.
We have this postcard stand. Does anyone else have one I wonder? What does the library gain from it? Do we get rent from it? Will have to investigate that one.

I do have two cardboard display shelves (please excuse poor picture). This doesn't feel good enough. I have seen some inspiring entrance displays, and I would really like something more substantial.

The library in its current state

So I visited the library today for about an hour, had a good nose around and made a long, long list of what I need to consider when I start after the holidays.

I took some pics; some general ones, and some more specific ones. I will start with just the general library.

So this is one end.

This is the other end, where you can the computers will go and a lot of the non-fiction is. You can also see where the comfy area will be (where the blue chairs are).

The fiction seems pretty well stocked, with lots of new titles - some still need covering though. Non-fiction was harder to judge, but a lot seems outdated. For example -
Does any library still stock stuff like this? Is it ever used?

But I'm very excited now. Visiting made it more real, and I have got loads of ideas. It definitely feels like a blank canvas.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Pimp My Bookcart This is yearly competition for pimped up book carts.
Here are some ones I liked!

I liked these ones as they still serve the purpose of holding books. They are also a little more achievable - some of them look completely out of my artistic reach!

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Books sorted by colour

I think these look gorgeous!
One day....when I'm rich....I'll have space for all my books, and will arrange like this.

Who would have thought there was a whole Flickr group for people who have organised books by colour?

Going for a job you don't think you'll get

I regularly contribute to a forum (I am a closet geek) and I had been posting on there about my attempt at a career change. Obviously I knew it could be hard to get the opportunity as I had no direct experience. But I always believe to give everything a shot, as it usually pays off in the end.

I just got a message from another member there, which has put a massive smile on my face. The gist is that she is a HLTA who is paid LSA wages, who lacked confidence to go for anything else (despite having a degree). She saw a fabulous job in an outdoor education centre...
' Thank you for giving me the courage to apply for a job that I think is out of my league. Even if I don't get this job it's given me confidence to keep trying.'

I know this post is bragging somewhat, but it really cheered me up. I really hope she gets it, but even if she doesn't get this one, she may well get her chance, just has I have been given mine.

Edited to add - The lady has an interview for the job she didn't think she would get! I have my fingers crossed for her!

3 weeks to go

I have one week left as a teacher. I trained for 4 years to become a qualified teacher, and am now leaving the profession after 2 years of it. I don't hate it, I enjoy a lot of it and believe I am good at it. But I don't love it. I want to love my job. So I'm risking a career change to try and find a job I love.

I have always loved books. That was why I became a teacher. But now I am trying to channel that love of books into being a school librarian.

I have no library training, and I know that the fact I have a job as a librarian is frowned upon by some. I am willing to accept that some may not like the fact I have my job, but will strive to succeed regardless.

I am sad to be leaving my class. I told them yesterday and there were lots of tears and confused little faces. I will try and make the last week as fun as possible. Many people think I will come running back after a year, and I won't rule it out, but I feel good about my decision.

I have so much to learn, and it can seem daunting about where to start. The library is currently shut, and has been since summer. It was relocated and needs starting up almost from scratch. I'm excited that I may be able to start something amazing.

This blog will act as a reminder of where I have come from, and I hope I can look back on it, and laugh at my troubled beginnings!

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