So I visited the library today for about an hour, had a good nose around and made a long, long list of what I need to consider when I start after the holidays.
I took some pics; some general ones, and some more specific ones. I will start with just the general library.
So this is one end.
This is the other end, where you can the computers will go and a lot of the non-fiction is. You can also see where the comfy area will be (where the blue chairs are).
The fiction seems pretty well stocked, with lots of new titles - some still need covering though. Non-fiction was harder to judge, but a lot seems outdated. For example -
Does any library still stock stuff like this? Is it ever used?
But I'm very excited now. Visiting made it more real, and I have got loads of ideas. It definitely feels like a blank canvas.
All done!
4 years ago
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